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Comp Pro Med’s Blog

LIS Information, Veterinary / 08.12.2023

[vc_row][vc_column width='2/3'] Polytech for Veterinary Labs Polytech for veterinary labs provides complete functionality. Comp Pro Med is a worldwide leader in LIS systems with hundreds of installations around the globe. Since 1983, CPM...

Billing, LIS Information / 07.12.2023

[vc_row][vc_column width='2/3'] Laboratories Are Businesses As an experienced lab informatics company, we understand modern lab management pressures and demands; modern laboratories require to scale automation to maximize efficiency and profitability. Comp Pro Med...

LIS Information, Toxicology / 06.12.2023

[vc_row][vc_column width='2/3'] Polytech Toxicology LIS Polytech for Toxicology delivers comprehensive modern interoperability customized to your toxicology labs workflow. It helps drive accurate, efficient toxicology test record management. With Polytech, you can expedite test...

LIMS, LIS Information / 04.12.2023

[vc_row][vc_column width='2/3'] Polytech LIMS? So, you are looking for a LIMS for your clinical lab. Is Polytech a LIMS? Well, what is a LIMS? A Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is software...

Lab Automation, LIS Information, LIS System Configuration / 30.11.2023

An Affordable, Full-function LIS for the Small Clinical Laboratory Drives Operational Efficiencies and Streamlines Lab Productivity by Jason Roberts, Contributing Editor, American Clinical Laboratory [vc_row][vc_column width='2/3'] Healthcare Labs Face Daunting Challenges In an era...