The Advantages of the Polytech LIS
Data Entry
- Single screen workup (90%+ of daily activity)
- Fast record pull-up
- Full demographics
- Auto-scrolling through data entry fields
- User-definable demographic fields
- Billing information
- Comments
- Test ordering
- ICD-10 check
- Test result entry
- Test result verification
- Results verified individually / in batches
- Auto and Manual Sample ID generation
- Encounter lookup by record #, SID, PID and names
- Drop down lists for fast accurate input and lookup
- User-definable test and Panel definitions
- Insurance carrier and agency definition
- Test restriction based on insurance carrier
- Customizable Auto SID
Requisition Handling
- Bar code printer support
- Individual bar code production
- Individual record creation
- Individual result entry
- Batch barcode production
- Batch record creation
- Batch result entry
- Demographic entry & edit
- Easy access to tracking information
- Full-off site patient and request entry with result inquiry
- On demand work list generated by the user
- On screen result entry
- Rapid request entry for immediate specimen processing
- Requisition entry & edit
- Test selection
- Standing and Future Orders
- Stat or Routine test request definition
- Complete Unprinted sample
- Drug of Abuse confirmation
- Incomplete samples
- Overdue list
- Patient list
- Reference Lab Manifest
- Department Overdue
- Location Incomplete
- Sample listing
- Work list
- Output to screen, a printer or a file
*other listing can be defined by the following:
- by analyzer
- by category
- by department
- by doctor
- by location
- by patient ID
- by patient name
- by requisition
- by sample ID
- by test or panel,
- Samples by test(s)
- by combining any of the above
Test Incomplete Reports
- Abbreviations
- Number
- Panels
- Profiles
Exceptional Value Reports
- High
- Low
- Normal
- Panic high
- Panic low
- Combination
- All of the above
Location Incomplete Reports
- Single
- Combination
- All Locations
Result Handling
- Unreleased result auto-search
- Automatic and Manual result approval
- Automatic Display of previous results
- Auto test reference range checking
- Result validation by user-definable criteria
- Delta checking
- Duplicated order checking
- Manual result entry
- Result approval by instrument
- Result approval by sample
- Result report
- Threshold results
- Automatic Abnormal Result Flagging
- Result Level Commenting (free or canned text)
- Result level images
- Results review by Patient, Sample, Department, Doctor
- Result edit capability with audit trails and edit indicators
- Panic value alerts
Report Generator**
- Unlimited number of User-Definable Report Formats
- Final report
- Interim report
- Cumulative report with graph
- Report .pdf eMail capability
- Microbiology report
- (Un) approved result report
- Assay trend report
- Billing report
- Cardiac risk report
- Local and remote Faxing and Printing
- e-mail patient reports
- Hematology report
- Sample report
- Sample status report
- Testing distribution report
- Work status report
- Drugs of abuse statistical report
- Work-log report
** user-definable reports can be generated on the fly and saved for future reports
Quality Control
- Fully auditable QC system
- All results stored – not just summaries
- Levy Jennings plot
- QC result summary
- Levy Jennings chart
- QC result histogram
- Westgard rules
- Linearity report
- Cross level checking
- Outliers processing
- Manual entry of QC data
- Edit and review QC data
- Daily report
- Monthly report
- History report
- Summary report by user specified date range
- Control definitions
- User definable corrective action commenting
- Population studies
- DAU statistics
- 2 / 3 S.D. report
Customized Set Up
- Age & sex-specific reference ranges
- Multiple Species Capability for vet use
- User selectable Westgard rules
- Formulas
- Physician database
- Location database
- User-defined passwords
- User defined comments
- Canned comments
- Test library database
- Panel library database
- Profile library data base
- Screen & report formatting
- User defined free text areas
- Specimen specific demographics
- Auto-accept of results
- Delta check by user definable time limit by absolute or percentage differences
- Reflex testing
- User definable complex Rules definitions
- Printer options
- Report options
- Re-direct printing to other workstations
- Host options
- Panel and Super-Paneling
- Multiple physician locations or departments
- Clinician to Location or Department Association
- Clinician Database
Host Computer Interface
- Requisition download & test selection
- Demographic download
- Results upload
- Billing information upload
- HL7 protocol
- ASTM protocol
- Standard host protocols
- WinLink
- Import data and export of data
- Reference Lab Definition including auto electronic catalog
- Existing PMS, HIS, EMR, and Billing System Interfaces
Interface Flexibility
- HL7 Protocol
- 200+ interface library
- Query capability
- Bi-directional interfaces
- Multi instrument scheduling
- In-house support
- Unidirectional interfaces
- User maintainable interface engines
- New interfaces created daily
Enhanced Productivity
- Single screen entry of demographics, orders, results and controls
- Function Key functionality to eliminate having to open, close, and navigate multiple windows.
- Workload recording
- Proficiency results tracking
- Regression analysis
- Reflex testing
- Patient histogram reports
- Report printing to any printer on network
- Data Integrity
- Password security
- Tracking
- Audit log
- Error log report
- Modem support
- Real time data retrieval
- Automatic Delta Checking capability per test. This is based on absolute values, percentage change values, or combination
- Database redundancy – Medlink
- Client-Server or Peer to Peer
Supported Laboratory Areas
- Drugs of Abuse
- Chemistry
- Coagulation
- Epidemiology
- Hematology
- Histology
- Immunoassay
- Microbiology
- Parasitology
- Reference labs
- Serology
- Special chemistry
- Toxicology
- Urinalysis
- Virology
Other features
- No proprietary hardware requirements
- Zero downtime
- MedLink
- User definable reports
- Laser printer
- Flat screen
- Laptops
- Auto transmitting of data
- Reports to disk
- Reports to file
- ASCII data export
- Ad- hoc queries of the database
- ICD-10 codes
- Complete Microbiology Module
- Differential keypad support
- Automatic fax
- Automatic e-mail
- Automatic print
- Retry failed faxes
- Normal Range Revision Tracking
- Dr. Asp
- Remote order entry
- Remote bar code printing
- Remote results Access
- Remote Results Printing
- Satellite Clinic Access
- Departmental Lab Access
- Reference Lab Client Access
Administrative Reports
- Utilization reports
- Work load reports
- Ordering patterns
- Print by location
- Print by physician
- Order choice
- Totals
- Work in progress reports
- Work completion reports
- Billing summary reports
- Automated ABN forms printing
- Result listing
- Result listing of high values
- Result listing of critical high values
- Result listing of low values
- Result listing of panic values
- Results not complete
- CAP test weights
- Unweighted test usage
- Weighted test usage
- Unweighted test usage summary
- Weighted test usage summary
- Panel usage
- Panel usage summary
- Number of samples per category
- Agency non-itemized billing summary
- Agency itemized report
- Editable billing list
- Print or send charge accounting
- Charge code maintenance
- Cost & revenue per doctor or entity reports
Medical Necessity
- ICD-10 code checking
- CPT-4 assignment
- ABN generation
- Security
- Auto logoff per HIPPA
- User definable automatic password expiration
- Every keystroke and process traceable down to the user level
- User restricted inquires by log-in
- User controlled result entry by individual or group
- Validation of results by log-in
- Access restricted by departments
- Automatic time out of idle screen
- User password control
- Changes to the database are tracked in audit logs
- User definable menus for group or individuals
- All data on hard-drive encrypted
- Data transmissions across LAN/WAN encrypted
- Patient Records
- Patient files
- Historical patient retrieval
- Past results retrieval
- Patient list
- Find patients in less than a second
- Technologist Benefits
- Enhance workflow
- Automated accessioning
- Administrative reports
- Quality control
- Retrieving patient results by any criterion
- User definable reports on the fly
- Automatic delivery of reports
- Dr. Asp remote connectivity
Physician Benefits
- Physician Test Menu
- Physician Office Connectivity
- Accurate, timely, and consolidated reports
- Trend reports
- Reduced turn around times
- Enhanced accuracy of billing
- ICD-10 code screening
- Floor Order-entry
Administrator Benefits
- Increase first pass reimbursement
- Automated screening of diagnosis
- Improved Lab time efficiency
- Statistics reports
- Workload analysis reports
- Reduced laboratory overtime
- Simplified administrative tasks
- Limited IT Support
- Maintain Lab Independence from IT
Additional Benefits
- Decreased Paper Trail and log book maintenance for CLIA, COLA, and JCH
- Hospital Functionality
- Floor Order Entry
- Ambulatory and Non-Ambulatory capable
- Installation in 30 days or less
- On-site level I training
- Advance training in N. California
- Live support
- 1-800 customer service line
- Modem support diagnostics
- Latest Software included in Maintenance Contract
- Remote Control System Access
- Web based access for reports and Order entry
Regulatory Features
- Audit logs
- Time stamp
- Panic Value Alerts
- Decreased paper trail and log book maintenance for CLIA, COLA and JCH
- Pre-analytical, analytical, and post analytical tracking of patient specimens
- Volume Tracking
- COLA required tracking of at least 5 specimens (deficiencies start in 2010)
- Proficiency test results and tracking
- Policies and Procedures storage and data storage
- Do not have to back up daily (Medlink)
Decision Maker
- Captures charges with ABN alert
- 30 years of serving laboratories
- Over 40 years of lab and computer experience
- Cost effective
- Short ROI
- Control cost with administrative log reporting
- Expandable and customizable at lesser cost than competitors
- Functionality reduces overall annual cost with the capture of laboratory charges across entire organization (Multi-site practices)
- Tighter control over lab processes
- Outreach capabilities (small and large scale abilities)
- Clinician satisfaction
Laboratory Supervisor
- Audit Log Reporting
- Result validation from office node
- Tighter more streamlined processes
- Lower cost system wide
- Faster Turnaround times
- Steamlined process in-house and in reference lab processes
- POCT quality control for waived and non-waived testing
- 4 Differential pad available for training and monitoring new technologists
- Custom report formatting
- Reflex testing through rules
- Repeat testing through rules
- Reports options cumulative, interim and Final
- Historical reporting and graphing
- Unparalleled support
- Saves space with Reference lab streamlined process
- Toxicology and Microbiology modules
- Interface capabilities unlimited
Medical Technologist
- 95% of work performed on one screen
- Customizable areas for different providers
- 90 pages of canned text space for each result
- Flexible ways to use software
- Can verify and release results from any node in lab saving time and reducing errors resulting in repeat testing
- Differential pad for training and reduced interpretive errors
- Panic alert to remind to call and log panic values
- Historical data review for result validation
- Quality control easy to run and review
- Dial in support and training
- Reference lab orders and results easily accessed on one system
- Auto ABN printing
- ICD-10 and CPT Coding alert to decrease billing cycle of lab charges
- Auto functions such as abnormal result flagging, patient demographics and result level commenting
- Batch orders and future ordering capabilities
- Delta Checking
- Auto or Manual Result verification and release