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Gain Control With Polytech

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Increase Your Productivity & Efficiency

The Most Customizable LIS on the Market

Over 350 Options & Unlimited Customizable Reports

Your LIS system is critical to the success of your lab. Polytech LIS from Comp Pro Med has all the features and functions to help your lab run smoothly, but without the big price tag.

The Polytech LIS expedites patient record processes, interfaces with any application or instrument, automates data collection and reporting with no downtime, and in compliance with state and federal regulations.

Polytech’s most powerful tool is the Customizable Report Generator. This tool puts the power of customizing reports in the lab manager’s hands and allows local control of how reports are generated and what is printed.

Polytech benefits:

  • Implement a new LIS in weeks, not months
  • Easy to use system that’s intuitive and straight-forward
  • Zero downtime solution built on the most advanced technology in the industry
  • Dedicated support team to keep your lab running smoothly, day in and day out

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Molecular Report Example

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Pathology Module

PGx sample report

PGx Module

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About Comp Pro Med

Comp Pro Med has been exclusively creating and servicing the Polytech Clinical Laboratory Information System since 1983. Our Polytech LIS is a leading-edge system with constantly updating features and functions based on customer input and industry requirements. Our engineers have years of experience in LIS software and we use this knowledge to help our customers achieve their goals.

As a pioneer in Clinical Laboratory automation we have helped define many of the standards that our industry uses today. Comp Pro Med is dedicated and continues to set the standards for exceptional Clinical Laboratory Information Systems.